Antwerpen's urban transport system is provided by De Lijn, who provide the bus and tram networks throughout Belgium's Flemish region. In Antwerpen, trams form the backbone of the city's transport network. A small number of lines operate through the streets of the city centre.

I saw plenty of trams which date from the 1960s, still in front-line service. Some were operating as single cars.
Tram lines are colour-coded. The colours are shown on the route displays.

These are articulated, with greater carrying capacity.

Antwerpen's magnificent central railway station forms the backdrop to this image.

These images show one of the entrances, outside the railway station.

The Noorderlijn project (website only in Flemish) will expand the tram network north of the city.
It is due for completion in 2019.

Buses were operating instead over part of the line.

On urban services, I found single-deck buses with three sets of doors.

One bus service, route 36, links Antwerpen city centre with Linkeroever, a suburb on the western side of the river Schelde. It uses a road tunnel to pass beneath the river. "Linkeroever" translates literally as "left bank".
I found a bus with two sets of doors operating on route 36.

There are also waterbus services operating along the Schelde. Fares are charged on the waterbus.

Information about the ferry and waterbus services can be found on the Port of Antwerp website.

These services use a number of termini in the city centre. There is no single interchange hub.
Some are operated by standard single-deck buses with two sets of doors...

Articulated buses operate on a number of the services heading out of Antwerpen.
Those I saw had three sets of doors.

Fares on DeLijn's network, both within and beyond Antwerpen are simple.
At the time of writing, a single ticket costs €3. This allows interchange for up to 60 minutes. A 10-journey "Lijn Card" ticket is available for €16, also allowing transfer for up to 60 minutes. The Lijn Card can be used by several people travelling together, as well as for an individual making multiple journeys.
A day ticket is available for €8 if bought on board a bus or tram, or €6 if bought from a DeLijn "Lijnwinkels" office, from a ticket machine or from a ticket agent. Three and five-day versions are also available, although these cannot be bought on board a bus or tram.
There is one bus service in Antwerpen which is not part of DeLijn's network. Antwerpen lies very close to the border with the Netherlands. Dutch operator Connexxion operates one service between Breda and Hulst, both of which are in the Netherlands, passing through Antwerpen en route.

Antwerpen is also linked to Brussels Airport by rail services.

In recent years, the station has been extensively remodelled, with tracks and platforms now stacked on three levels.
The tracks serving platforms at the lowest level are through tracks, continuing in tunnel under the city. This enables trains to serve Antwerpen Centraal as part of a through journey, without needing to reverse in the terminus platforms.
The station is listed as one of Antwerpen's sights on the Visit Antwerpen website.

Unsurprisingly, in the wintry weather conditions which prevailed during my visit, I did not see many people cycling.

I also spotted a cycle taxi.

I found this modern midi-coach in use.
There is also a road train tour, operated by Tourist Tram. I found the road train doing special Christmas tours.

In closing, may I wish readers of this blog a very happy Christmas.